Az eddigi kimaradások pótlása következik angolból, onnantól ahol a legutóbb abbahagytam + a megtanulandó vers külön poszba majd.
Past Continous
be + was/were (auxiliary verbs) + main verb (főige) + ing.
- I was listening to music all day.
The baby was crying all night.
Yesterday I was working all day. - When the teacher entered, the students were sitting at their desks.
When the postman arrived, we were having our lunch. - While I was swimming, he was lying in the sun.
While I was listening to music, I was doing my homework. - He was always lying
- What were you doing at 6?
- It was raining, while I was going home.
I was reading a book during the flight. (olvastam, de még nem fejeztem be)
I read a book during the flight (elolvastam egy könyvet végig)
Igék, amikoet nem használunk folyamatos cselekménymódban:
- Verbs of thinking: think, believe, doubt, expect, agree, mean, know, understand, remember
- verbs of motions: like, love, adore, hate, care, hope, wish, want, admit
- verbs of having and being: belong to, have, own, cost, possess, appear, need, depend, weigh, come from, resemble
- verbs of senses: look, hear, taste, smell, feel, see
Think: esemény kifejezésekor nem lehet használni folyamatosban, de mentális tevékenység esetén igen.
Idegennyelvi vers és prózamondó verseny: Október 6.
William Blake (1757-1827): poet, artist
Főbb művei:
- The Tiger
- The Lamb